沙巴敎區中文禱告大會 2019 | Diocesan Chinese Prayer Conference 2019


This year’s Diocesan Chinese Prayer Conference was held at two locations, that is, at the Church of Good Samaritan, Kota Kinabalu from 1-3 March and at St Patrick’s Church, Tawau from 5-7 March. Let us give the glory and honour due to the Lord, who from the beginning released His favour and blessings (Malachi 1:11). There were high expectations for the Lord to grant breakthroughs during the conference, and indeed He did so through the anointed and clear teaching of the speaker and his wife, as well as their prayer ministry for those in need during altar calls. The songs chosen were also very appropriate. There was an emphasis on the ministry of the Holy Spirit who brings transformation, healing and deliverance. The testimonies of different priests, pastors and leaders about their prayer journeys were excellent and very encouraging. All this will, by God’s grace, motivate more people to pray in faith and not give up easily. Amen.

Konferensi Doa Bahasa Cina Diosis tahun ini telah diadakan di dua lokasi, iaitu Gereja Good Samaritan, Kota Kinabalu dari 1hb-3hb Mac dan Gereja St Patrick, Tawau dari 5hb-7hb Mac. Marilah kita memberi kemuliaan dan hormat kepada Tuhan, yang telah mencurahkan nikmat dan berkat-Nya dari permulaan konferensi (Malachi 1:11). Terdapat jangkaan tinggi bahawa Tuhan akan memberikan penerobosan semasa konferensi, dan memang Dia telah berbuat demikian melalui ajaran penceramahan dan isterinya yang diurapi dan terang. Mereka juga telah menekankan pelayanan Roh Kudus yang membawa transformasi, penyembuhan dan pembebasan. Kesaksian para paderi, pastor dan pemimpin mengenai perjalanan mereka dalam doa memang bagus dan mendorong. Dengan izin Allah, semua ini akan memotivasikan lebih banyak orang untuk berdoa dalam iman dan tidak mudah putus asa. Amin.