Important Announcement from Archbishop on CMCO

Dear brothers and sister in Christ Jesus. May the peace of the Lord be with you.

The Prime Minister announced this afternoon the further extension of the Movement Control Order (MCO), now known as Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) till 9th June 2020.

In view of the announcement of the PM as well as the media statement by the Sabah Chief Minister today, I wish to guide you on the following:

1. Online Sunday worship service continues. I will make further advisory once the government announces the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for non-muslim religious bodies (kindly refer to page 8 of the PM’s Press Statement this afternoon)

2. Diocesan Office and local church offices may resume operation with the following precautions:

A. Office must first be cleaned or disinfected.
B. Sanitizers and face masks to be provided
C. A maximum of 10 persons to work at a time. If you have more staff, you can ask them to work at home, or to take turn to work in the office.
D. Social distancing and personal hygiene must be observed
E. Staff with fever, flu and cough are not encouraged to come to work.

Saudara-saudari dalam Kristus Yesus. Kiranya damai sejahtera Tuhan berserta anda.

Perdana Menteri mengumumkan pada petang hari ini pelanjutan Perintah Kawalan Perjalanan (PKP), yang dikenali sekarang sebagai Perintah Kawalan Perjalanan Bersyarat (PKPB) sehingga 9hb Jun 2020.

Berhubung dengan penggumuman Perdana Menteri dan Kenyataan Media oleh Ketua Menteri Sabah hari ini, saya hendak memberi panduan-panduan berikut:

1. Kebaktian Ahad secara ‘Online’ diteruskan. Saya akan memberikan panduan lanjut tentang perkara ini selepas kerajaan mengumumkan ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ bagi badan-badan keagamaan bukan Islam (boleh rujuk kepada Teks Ucapan Perdana Menteri petang tadi, pada muka surat 8)

2. Pejabat Diosis dan pejabat gereja -gereja lokal boleh beroperasi semula tertakluk kepada persyaratan-persyaratan berikut:

A. Pejabat mestilah terlebih dahulu dibersihkan atau ‘disinfected’
B. ‘Sanitizers dan face mark’ mestilah disediakan.
C. Maksimum 10 orang saja bekerja pada satu-satu masa. Kalau anda ada staff yang ramai, anda boleh mengarahkan mereka bekerja dari rumah, atau mengatur mereka bekerja berganti-ganti.
D. Penjarakkan sosial (social distancing) dan kebersihan diri mestilah diamalkan.
E. Staff yang demam, batuk dan selesma tidak digalakkan datang berkerja.

Abp Melter