From Sri Aman, Sarawak to the Interior of Sabah: An Interview with Canon Lawrence Lawin (Part 1)
Canon Lawrence Lawin was one of the five Iban missionaries who were the earliest Anglican full-time workers in rural Sabah when the Sabah Anglican Interior Mission (SAIM) started in 1958. Next year he will be celebrating 60 years of ministry in the Diocese of Sabah, for the first few years as a teacher at Holy […]
Read More→A Litany from Tongud | Satu Litani dari Tongud
A litany is a traditional form of prayer used in congregational worship where a series of short petitions spoken by the priest or lay liturgist is answered by the congregation. Christians have been praying litanies since at least the 4th century A.D. In 1544, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury produced the first English litany, which […]
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