Anglican Training Institute (ATI) 7th Graduation Ceremony & Evening Prayer

The Anglican Training Institute (ATI) held its 7th Graduation Ceremony and Evening Prayer at All Saints’ Cathedral on 14 May 2019. There were a total of 31 graduates this year. 12 received their Certificate of Theology (C.Th), 11 their Diploma of Theology (Dip.Th) and 8 their Bachelor of Theology (B.Th). The graduation sermon was preached by the Rt Revd Peter Tasker, a bishop in the Diocese of Sydney in Australia, and moving testimonies were given by ATI students and graduates. It was truly a joyful evening for all the graduates, their family and friends, the ATI faculty, the leadership of the Diocese and all who came to celebrate with them. Glory to God in the highest for the wonderful work He is doing through ATI, preparing humble, faithful and well-equipped servants for Himself and for His work in our Diocese.

Anglican Training Institute (ATI) telah mengadakan Upacara Graduasi dan Sembahyang Petang mereka yang ke-7 di Katedral All Saints pada 14hb Mei 2019. Seramai 31 graduan telah menerima anugerah mereka. 11 orang telah menerima Sijil Teologi (C.Th), 11 orang menerima Diploma Teologi (Dip.Th) dan 8 orang menerima Sarjana Muda Teologi (B.Th). Khotbah graduasi telah disampaikan oleh Rt Revd Peter Tasker, seorang bisyop dari Diosis Sydney di Australia. Kesaksian yang menyentuh hati turut diberi oleh para pelajar dan graduan ATI. Malam itu memanglah satu perayaan yang penuh sukacita bagi para graduan, keluarga dan rakan mereka, fakulti ATI, barisan pemimpin Diosis serta semua jemaat yang menyertai upacara tersebut. Kemuliaan kepada Allah di tempat yang Mahatinggi untuk pekerjaan hebat-Nya melalui ATI. Dia sedang menyediakan hamba yang rendah hati, setia dan dilengkapi dengan baik bagi diri-Nya dan kerja-Nya dalam Diosis kita.