Konferensi Doa BM 2018 | BM Prayer Conference 2018

Konferensi Doa Diosis BM telah diadakan pada 1-3 Mei 2018 bertempat di Gereja Katedral All Saints, Kota Kinabalu. Tema bagi konferensi ini adalah “Nyatakanlah Kemuliaan-Mu (Reveal Your glory)” yang diambil daripada Yesaya 60:2. Seramai 842 orang peserta telah mengikuti konferensi doa ini.

Konferensi doa kali ini sangat signifikan kerana lanjutan daripada Konferensi Doa Bahasa Cina (Mac) dan Bahasa Inggeris (April) sebagai satu persiapan doa bagi Negara Malaysia yang menghadapi Pilihanraya Umum ke-14. Bishop Datuk Melter Tais menjadi salah satu pengkhutbah utama. Selain itu Dean Musa Ambai dan Rev Kenneth Thien di antara penceramah di beberapa sesi pagi.

Pada sebelah malam Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani (KKR) diadakan yang terbuka kepada semua jemaat dan lebih daripada 1200 orang telah hadir dalam sepanjang KKR sebelah malam. Pengajaran yang disampaikan oleh para hamba Tuhan sangat tepat pada waktunya sehingga mendorong para peserta untuk bangkit dalam doa syafaat untuk negara Malaysia dan bergerak ke hadapan untuk kebangkitan rohani di negara ini.

Segala kemuliaan bagi Tuhan Yesus atas lawatan yang luar biasa sepanjang konferensi doa ini dan kiranya kemuliaan Tuhan terus dinyatakan di atas diosis kita dan negara kita secara umumnya.

The Diocesan BM Prayer Conference was held on 1-3 May 2018 at All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. The theme for the conferece was “Reveal Your Glory (Nyatakanlah Kemulian-Mu),” a phrase which was taken from Isaiah 60:2. A total of 842 participants attended the conference.

This prayer conference was very significant as it followed on from the Chinese Prayer Conference in March and the English Prayer Conference in April, all of which were a prayerful preparation for the nation of Malaysia which was about to hold its 14th General Election. Bishop Datuk Melter Tais was one of the main speakers. Dean Musa Ambai and Rev Kenneth Thien were among those who spoke at some of the morning sessions.

Spiritual Revival Services which were open to the public were held in the evening, and more than 1200 attended during the duration of the conference. The teaching which was delivered by the servants of God was very timely and encouraged participants to rise up in intercession for Malaysia as well as to step forward for the spiritual revival of this nation.

All glory to God for his extraordinary presence throughout the conference and may God’s glory continue to be revealed in our Diocese and throughout our country.

Ps Florine Mathew