Latihan Pemimpin Awam Diosis (LPA) 2018 telah berlangsung pada 11-15 September 2018 di Pusat Lembah Berkat Telupid. “Dekad Penginjilan Dan Pemuridan” adalah tema LPA pada kali ini sejajar dengan tema Diosis. Ia bertujuan untuk memperkasakan kepimpinan gereja setempat bagi menyumbang kepada kekuatan Diosis. Seramai 670 pemimpin dari seluruh pelusuk negeri Sabah telah menyertai latihan ini. Penekanan utama diberikan kepada memenuhi Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus. Antara penceramah LPA 2018 ialah Archdeacon Lidis Singkung, Dean Musa Ambai dan Canon Arun Kuak. Selain Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani, para peserta juga telah diberkati dengan firman Tuhan mengenai topik-topik seperti “Transformasi Di Era Post Mordenisme,” “Kepentingan Pemimpin yang Berkualiti,” “Komitmen kepada Mandat Agung,” “Pemuridan dan Kedewasaan” serta “Perjalanan Hidup sebagai Pengikut Yesus.” Peserta juga telah mempelajari tentang asal usul sejarah gereja dan amalan gereja Anglikan dalam sesi Anglikanisma. Perasmian dan penutupan LPA 2018 telah disempurnakan oleh Archdeakon Lidis Singkung bagi pihak Bisyop Datuk Melter Jiki Tais yang sedang berada diluar negara pada ketika ini.
The Diocesan BM Lay Readers Training (LPA) 2018 took place from 11-15 September 2018 at the Valley of Blessings, Telupid. The theme of this year’s LPA was “Decade of Evangelism and Discipleship,” in line with the Diocese’s theme. The training’s aim was to empower the leadership of local churches to contribute towards the strengthening of the Diocese. 670 lay readers from all over Sabah took part in this training. The central focus was the fulfilment of our Lord Jesus’ Great Commission. Among the speakers were Archdeacon Lidis Singkung, Dean Musa Ambai and Canon Arun Kuak. Beside the revival services, participants were also blessed by the Word of God on topics such as “Transformation in the Postmodern Era,” “The Value of Quality Leadership,” “Commitment to the Great Commission,” “Discipleship and Adulthood,” as well as “The Way of Life as a Follower of Jesus.” Participants also learned about the origins and practices of the Anglican Church in the Anglicanism session. The opening and closing sessions of the LPA 2018 were presided over by Archdeacon Lidis Singkung on behalf of Bishop Datuk Melter Jiki Tais who was overseas at the time.
Ps Jachin Lau Sungkia