Our Mission
Decade of Evangelism and Discipleship (2018-2028)
2018: Year of Sowing
2020: Year of Reaping
2022: Year of Sharing
2024: Year of Blessing
2026: Year of Celebration

Konferensi Doa BM 2018 | BM Prayer Conference 2018
Konferensi Doa Diosis BM telah diadakan pada 1-3 Mei 2018 bertempat di Gereja Katedral All Saints, Kota Kinabalu. Tema bagi konferensi ini adalah “Nyatakanlah Kemuliaan-Mu (Reveal Your glory)” yang diambil daripada Yesaya 60:2. Seramai 842 orang peserta telah mengikuti konferensi doa ini. Konferensi doa kali ini sangat signifikan kerana lanjutan daripada Konferensi Doa Bahasa Cina […]

The Diocesan Chinese Prayer Conference 2018 | Konferensi Doa Bahasa Cina Diosis 2018
This year the Chinese Prayer Conference was a bit different as we believed this is a year of new beginnings. With the leadership, prayer support, and blessing from four parishes of Sabah Diocese—namely St Patrick’s Church, Tawau led by Bishop John Yeo, the Church of the Good Shepherd, Sandakan led by Archdeacon Yong Thiam Choi, […]

English & Chinese Children’s Ministry Leaders Retreat 2018 | 教区中英文儿童事工领袖退修会
The English & Chinese Children’s Ministry Leaders Retreat was held from 20-22 March 2018 at Christ Church Likas. A total of 43 teachers and assistants from the children’s ministries of 11 churches participated. The retreat’s theme was “Recharge & Restore,” and the speakers were Rev Kenneth Thien and Margaret Kong from D’Stream Anglican Church, Kota […]
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