Our Mission

Decade of Evangelism and Discipleship (2018-2028)

2018: Year of Sowing

2020: Year of Reaping

2022: Year of Sharing

2024: Year of Blessing

2026: Year of Celebration


Ordination Service 2022

The 2022 Ordination Service was held on 21 February at All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. 2 brothers were ordained to the Diaconate (1-Stipendiary, 1-Non-Stipendiary) and 6 brothers to the Priesthood. (2-Stipendiary, 4-Non-Stipendiary). All glory be to God who has called these brothers to serve Him. May the Lord grant them His abundant love, joy and […]

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Merdeka Day Greetings from Archbishop Melter Jiki Tais

31st August is the Independence Day of Malaysia. This is a significant day which marks the nation being free from colonization to be an independent nation. A day of great rejoicing because the nation is now free to choose her destiny and live out her unique nationhood identity. On this Merdeka Day of Malaysia, we […]

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