Our Mission

Decade of Evangelism and Discipleship (2018-2028)

2018: Year of Sowing

2020: Year of Reaping

2022: Year of Sharing

2024: Year of Blessing

2026: Year of Celebration


Streamed Services for Sunday, 15 March 2020

Following the announcement in the latest circular letter from the Most Revd Melter Jiki Tais, Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop of South East Asia, all Sunday services in the Diocese of Sabah have been suspended until 1 April 2020 as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Some churches in our Diocese are streaming either […]

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Latest Announcement on COVID-19 | Pengumuman Terkini Berkenaan COVID-19

The Most Revd Melter Jiki Tais, Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop of South East Asia, has issued a circular to all Anglican churches in the Diocese on 13 March 2020 regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It can be downloaded here. Most Revd Melter Jiki Tais, Bisyop Sabah dan Bisyop Agung Asia Tenggara, telah mengeluarkan suatu surat […]

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Lenten Meditations 2020 | Meditasi Prapaskah 2020 | 大斋期深思和祷告

Each year the Anglican Diocese of Sabah produces devotional notes for the season of Lent. These notes, written by Revd Canon Kenneth Thien Su Yin, are intended to help individuals in their daily meditations and prayer during this 40-day season in which Anglicans together with other Christian brothers and sisters fast and pray in preparation […]

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Bishop’s Christmas Message 2019

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. The season of Advent has passed, and Christmas is here. During Advent we have been waiting prayerfully for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ anew into our hearts and lives. Now it is time for us to rejoice in celebrating His birth. […]

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