Our Mission

Decade of Evangelism and Discipleship (2018-2028)

2018: Year of Sowing

2020: Year of Reaping

2022: Year of Sharing

2024: Year of Blessing

2026: Year of Celebration


Bishop’s Easter Message 2019

Greetings in the most precious name of Jesus our risen and living Lord and Saviour. These days it is easy for us to drift through Holy Week without thinking too much about what it was like for Jesus’ disciples during the actual events more than 2,000 years ago. We know that after the agony of […]

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Diocesan English & Chinese Youth Leaders’ Retreat 2019

The English and Chinese Youth Leaders’ Retreat was held at Kokol Prayer Summit from 25-27 March 2019. It was specially-organised to minister to and refresh the English and Chinese speaking youth leaders throughout the whole Diocese. 66 leaders from 16 parishes participated in the retreat. We had the privilege of having speakers from our own Diocese, namely Revd Timothy […]

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Latihan Pemimpin Pelayanan Kanak-kanak BM Diosis 2019 | Diocesan BM Children’s Ministry Leaders’ Training 2019

Bertemakan “Pemimpin yang Dinamik”, Latihan Pemimpin Pelayanan Kanak-kanak telah dilaksanakan dari 25–28 Mac 2019 di Pusat Lembah Berkat Telupid.  Seramai 411 peserta dan 21 orang AJK menghadiri latihan ini sepenuh masa.  Puji dan syukur kepada Tuhan dan terima kasih kepada semua pengkhotbah/penceramah dan semua AJK yang telah bersama-sama menjayakan latihan ini. Khutbah pembukaan oleh Ven. […]

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沙巴敎區中文禱告大會 2019 | Diocesan Chinese Prayer Conference 2019

沙巴敎區中文禱告大會=禱告與復興 三月1-3日亞庇仁愛堂 三月5-7日斗湖聖巴特堂 將一切榮耀尊貴歸與我們的主,我們的神,因祂在大會開始時將瑪拉基書一章十一節釋放祂的恩竉和祝福。 在這大會,主使用講員藉聖靈的恩膏,又清楚敎導,也禱告服事那些回應呼召的,所選的詩歌也合時,也突破整個大會所期待的。 專注聖靈的服亊也帶來更新,醫治和釋放. 各牧者同工們分享他們禱告生命的旅程,也非常好和鼓勵許多的人,這激發更多的人信心的禱告,再禱告,永不放棄。阿們。 This year’s Diocesan Chinese Prayer Conference was held at two locations, that is, at the Church of Good Samaritan, Kota Kinabalu from 1-3 March and at St Patrick’s Church, Tawau from 5-7 March. Let us give the glory and honour due to the Lord, who from the beginning […]

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